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Theatrical Masks

Materials: Japanese Noh masks are wooden with a coating of plaster, which is lacquered and gilded.

Ancient Greek masks were originally made from leather, wool or linen.

Contemporary theatrical masks are usually made of neoprene, which is a strong latex mixture.


About: Theatrical masks first emerged in western civilization from the religious practices of ancient Greece. They have been used almost universally to represent characters in theatrical performances. Many theatrical masks exaggerate the features to make clear, from a distance, the precise nature of the character.


Cultures/Places: Actors in ancient Greek theatre wore masks during theatrical productions. Some of these Greek masks contained a brass megaphone enabling the voice of the wearer to be projected into the auditorium. 

 In medieval Europe, masks were used in mystery and miracle plays to portray creatures, as well as gods.

During the Renaissance,  masked entertainment became part of the ballet.

In Japan, the Noh drama has remained a significant part of national life since its beginnings in the 14th century.

Comedy  Tragedy Mask

Hannya Theatrical Mask from Japan

Ancient Greek Theatrical Mask of Zeus

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